SGI Hot Mix 17
Hot Mix 17.iso
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261 lines
; $Id: tiff_write.pro,v 1.2 1997/01/15 04:02:19 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1991-1997. Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; Write images in TIFF format.
; Input/output.
; TIFF_WRITE, Filename, Array [, Orientation]
; Filename: A string containing the name of file to create.
; Array: The image data to be written. If not already a byte array,
; it is made a byte array. Array may be either an
; [n, m] array for Grayscale or Palette classes, or
; a [3, n, m] array for RGB full color, interleaved
; by image. If the PLANARCONFIG keyword (see below) is set
; to 2 then the Array parameter is ignored (and may be
; omitted). See PROCEDURE below for more information on
; TIFF classes.
; Orientation: This parameter should be 0 if the image is stored from bottom
; to top (the default). For images stored from top to bottom,
; this parameter should be 1.
; WARNING: Not all TIFF readers are capable of reversing the
; scan line order. If in doubt, first convert the image
; to top to bottom order (use the IDL REVERSE() function), and
; set Orientation to 1.
; The color table vectors, scaled from 0 to 255 in the case of
; a Class P, Palette color image. If, PlanarConfig is 2, these
; parameters must contain the 3 color component image parameters.
; LONG: If set, write the samples as 32 bit signed numbers.
; PLANARCONFIG: Set this parameter to 2 if writing an RGB image that is
; contained in three separate images (color planes), specified
; in the RED, GREEN, and BLUE parameters. Otherwise, omit
; this parameter (or set it to 1).
; SHORT: If set, write the samples as 16 bit signed numbers.
; If neither SHORT or LONG are specified, write samples as
; unsigned 8-bit numbers.
; XRESOL: The horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch. The default
; is 100.
; YRESOL: The vertical resolution, in pixels per inch. The default
; is 100.
; No explicit inputs.
; TIFF_COM. Only for internal use.
; A file is created and written.
; This procedure writes images in a single strip, or 3 strips when
; PLANARCONFIG is set to 2. This procedure may cause readers with
; memory limitations problems.
; Four types of TIFF files can be written:
; TIFF Class G, Grayscale. Array contains the 8-bit image array.
; A value of 0 is black, 255 is white. The Red, Green, and Blue
; keywords are omitted. Example:
; TIFF_WRITE, 'a.tiff', Array
; TIFF Class P, Palette Color. Array contains the 8-bit image array.
; The keyword parameters RED, GREEN, and BLUE contain the color tables,
; which can have up to 256 elements, scaled from 0 to 255. Example:
; TIFF_WRITE, 'a.tiff', Array, RED = r, GREEN = g, BLUE = b
; TIFF Class R, RGB Full Color, color interleaved by pixel.
; Array contains the byte data, and is dimensioned [3, cols, rows].
; Example:
; TIFF_WRITE, 'a.tiff', Array
; TIFF Class R, RGB Full Color, color interleaved by image.
; Input is three separate images, provided in the keyword
; parameters RED, GREEN, and BLUE. The input parameter "Array"
; is ignored. The keyword PLANARCONFIG must be set to 2 in this case.
; Example:
; TIFF_WRITE, 'a.tiff', RED = r, GREEN = g, BLUE = b, PLAN = 2
; DMS, Written for VMS in 1985.
; DMS, April, 1991. Rewrote and added class R and P images.
; DJC, Nov, 1993. Fixed doc header.
; DMS, Aug, 1995. Added support for 16 and 32 bit samples.
pro tiff_add_tag, lun, tag, value ;Add a tag to the Image File Directory (IFD)
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
s = size(value) ;Determine type from parameter
typ = s[s[0]+1] ;IDL type code
tiff_typ = ([ 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 2])[typ] ;Tiff types vs IDL
TypeLen = ([0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8])[tiff_typ]
n = s[s[0]+2] ; # of elements
offset = count * 12 + 2 ; Offset into ifd
ifd[offset] = byte(fix(tag),0,2) ;integer tag
ifd[offset+2] = byte(tiff_typ, 0, 2) ;data type
ifd[offset+4] = byte(n,0,4) ;count
nbytes = n * TypeLen
if nbytes le 4 then begin ;Simple case
ifd[offset+8] = byte(value,0,nbytes)
endif else begin ;Array, written to file
point_lun, -lun, pos ;Get file posit
ifd[offset+8] = byte(pos, 0, 4) ;Set IFD ^ pointer
if typ ne 4 then writeu, lun, value $ ;Write the data
else begin ;Write floating
s = lonarr(n * 2)
s[indgen(n)*2] = value * 10000. ;Arbritrary scale of 10000
s[indgen(n)*2+1] = 10000
writeu,lun, s
count = count + 1
pro tiff_write, filename, array, orientation, $
Red=red, Green=green, Blue=blue, Long=long, Short=short, $
PlanarConfig = PlanarConfig, Xresol = Xresol, Yresol = Yresol
common tiff_com, order, ifd, count
on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs
if n_elements(array) gt 0 then array = byte(array) ;Make sure it's byte
s = size(array)
if n_elements(PlanarConfig) le 0 then PlanarConfig = 1
color = 0 ;True if palette color with tables
if s[0] eq 3 then begin ;True color image?
photo = 2
if s[1] ne 3 then message,'For true-color, image must be (3,n,m)'
cols = s[2]
rows = s[3]
samples = 3 ;3 samples / pixel
endif else if PlanarConfig eq 2 then begin ;RGB with separate sample planes
photo = 2
s = size(red) ;Take image param from r,g,b
if s[0] ne 2 then message, 'Parameter must be 2D'
cols = s[1]
rows = s[2]
samples = 3
if (n_elements(red) ne n_elements(green)) or $
(n_elements(red) ne n_elements(blue)) then $
message,'Image components must have same size'
endif else begin ;Assume must be palette
if s[0] ne 2 then message, 'Parameter must be 2D'
cols = s[1]
rows = s[2]
samples = 1
if (n_elements(red) ne n_elements(green)) or $
(n_elements(red) ne n_elements(blue)) then $
message,'Color tables must have same size'
color = N_elements(red) GT 0
if color then photo = 3 else photo = 1
if n_elements(orientation) eq 0 then orientation = 0
if (!version.os EQ 'MacOS') then begin
openw, lun, filename, /BLOCK, /GET_LUN, MACTYPE = "TIFF"
endif else begin
openw, lun, filename, /BLOCK, /GET_LUN
header = bytarr(8) ;The Tiff header
if keyword_set(long) then nbits = 32 $ ;Type of data for samples
else if keyword_set(short) then nbits = 16 $
else nbits = 8
fcn_name = (['BYTE','FIX','', 'LONG'])[nbits/8-1] ;Sample conversion function
tst = byte(1,0,2) ;Which endian???
if tst[0] eq 1 then header[0] = byte("II") $ ;Little endian
else header[0] = byte("MM") ;Big endian
header[2] = byte(42,0,2) ;Version = 42
writeu, lun, header
ifd = bytarr(512) ;Image file directory
count = 0 ;# of tags
tiff_add_tag, lun, 254, 0L ;New Subfile type
tiff_add_tag, lun, 256, long(cols) ;Image width
tiff_add_tag, lun, 257, long(rows) ;Image height
tiff_add_tag, lun, 258, replicate(nbits,samples) ;bit/sample
tiff_add_tag, lun, 259, 1 ;No compression
tiff_add_tag, lun, 262, photo ;Photometric Interpretation
nbytes = rows * cols * (nbits/8) ;Bytes / plane
; Write image data......
point_lun, -lun, faddr ;Get current file position
if PlanarConfig eq 2 then begin ; write R,G,B in separate planes
tiff_add_tag, lun, 273, faddr + [0,1,2] * nbytes + 12 ;Strip offsets
writeu, lun, call_function(fcn_name, red)
writeu, lun, call_function(fcn_name, green)
writeu, lun, call_function(fcn_name, blue)
endif else begin ;Write image as one chunk
tiff_add_tag, lun,273, faddr ;Strip offset
writeu, lun, call_function(fcn_name, array)
tiff_add_tag, lun, 274, fix(4 - 3 * (orientation and 1)) ;Orientation
tiff_add_tag, lun, 277, samples ;Samples / pixel
tiff_add_tag, lun, 278, rows ;Rows / strip
if PlanarConfig eq 2 then t = replicate(nbytes, samples) $ ;Strip byte cnts
else t = samples * nbytes
tiff_add_tag, lun, 279, t ;Strip byte counts
if n_elements(xresol) le 0 then xresol = 100.
if n_elements(yresol) le 0 then yresol = 100.
tiff_add_tag, lun, 282, float(xresol) ;Xresolution
tiff_add_tag, lun, 283, float(yresol) ;... and Yresolution
tiff_add_tag, lun, 284, PlanarConfig ;PlanarConfig
IF (photo EQ 3) THEN BEGIN ;Add colormap?
rgb_array = intarr(768) ;Make the color maps
rgb_array[0] = ishft(fix(red),8) ;Scale up to 65K max
rgb_array[256] = ishft(fix(green), 8)
rgb_array[512] = ishft(fix(blue),8)
tiff_add_tag, lun, 320, rgb_array
point_lun, -lun, faddr ;Write IFD at and, get addr
ifd[0] = byte(count,0,2) ;Insert count
writeu, lun, ifd[0: count*12+5] ;Write IFD followed by 4 zero bytes
point_lun, lun, 0 ;Rewind to header
header[4] = byte(faddr,0,4) ;Write ifd offset
writeu, lun, header ;And save it
free_lun,lun ;Done